Is Tailwind worth it? An honest Tailwind review

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Thinking of using Tailwind for your blog?

You’ll know by now I love using Pinterest to get blog traffic.

It’s responsible for around 80% of my traffic! In fact now:

So with a borderline obsession over Pinterest, a Pinterest scheduler was definitely on my blogging investments list.

You can actually try out Tailwind for free and schedule 100 pins before spending any money (you can get a free trial here).

But I’d already done that, and knew I wanted more than just 100 pins to schedule to see if it was really worth it for my blog.

So I bit the bullet, and ended up purchasing the annual plan in January.

And I waited 6 months so I could give an honest review.

So here it is- my honest Tailwind review.

Honest Tailwind review
An honest review of Tailwind


I just want to give a little overview of what Tailwind actually is before I get into my thoughts on it.

Tailwind is an official partner for Pinterest- it’s a scheduler for your pins.


Pinterest likes you to pin consistently throughout the day.

So for you to get the best results on Pinterest for your blog, you need to be pinning throughout the day rather than logging in and sharing all your pins at once.

But you probably don’t want to be pinning on Pinterest all day.

If your blogging to do list is anything like mine, it’s never ending!

Tailwind basically allows you to schedule all your pins at once, so you are sharing pins consistently throughout the day without having to be on Pinterest actually pinning them.


With Tailwind, you also get:


Tailwind also provides really detailed insights into your Pinterest account.

Obviously Pinterest analytics are available for free, but Tailwind allows you to see:

  • Your daily follower growth
  • How many repins you have altogether
  • The engagement rate of your pins (so the percentage of pins you have shared that have also been repinned)

And not just profile performance, but also:

  • A Pin inspector which allows you to see how popular each of your pins are
  • Insights into your boards (so that includes personal, group and secret boards). Because of this I discovered loads of the group boards I was in were not getting any repins, so I left them all. You can read more about that in this post on how I doubled my traffic.

You can see there are also other analytics available, like how your website is performing.

So it does really provide detailed insights into your Pinterest account!


This is another big plus for using Tailwind.

You already know I left loads of my group boards recently. (I am a part of a few now, but they’re not a massive part of my strategy).

Tailwind Tribes are similar to group boards, as you can share pins for other pinners to possibly schedule.

But I think they’re like a better version of group boards because:

  • No engagement rate. I have a strong feeling that Pinterest knows how all your boards perform. If you’re in in loads of group boards that get no engagement, Pinterest sees this and deems your profile as not getting good engagement, so doesn’t prioritise your pins.

I think this is one reason I started to reach more pinners when I left rubbish group boards.

But Tailwind Tribes rdon’t have an engagement rate because they’re not boards.

They’re outside of Pinterest. So they can’t hurt your profile performance in any way.

Tribes are also good because they allow you to:

  • Find pins to schedule. Tribes, like group boards, often have a specific topic. This means I can easily find pins from other pinners to schedule.

(I will talk more about how Tailwind Tribes have helped me personally later on in this post).


So has Tailwind really got me results?

Yes…I think (bear with me).


It was only in early December that I shared my post on how to get your first 1,000 Pinterest followers.

I had just reached 1000 followers, and I was so happy!

So I wanted to help others reach 1,000 followers too, and shared a post on it.

Keeping in mind I started this blog in January 2018, it had taken me around 11 months of me being on Pinterest to reach 1,000 followers.

But I got Tailwind in January.. .and now I have over 3500 followers, and gain over 100 new followers every week.


So it took me around 11 months to get 1000 followers. But then only 7 months to get another 2,500 followers.

(These are rough figures, but give you the idea).

And in those months, I used Tailwind.

UPDATE: Since writing this post, I now have over 5.7k followers!


More important than how many followers you have on Pinterest is your reach.

You can have 20,000 followers, but only reach 200 people.

But I’m really happy to say that at the time of writing, I have a reach of 900,000!

(Please note Pinterest reach will change from month to month, but you can see my current reach and follower count here).

UPDATE: I’ve reached over 1.3 million monthly views!


In my post about how I doubled my blog traffic in a month, I mentioned Tailwind as part of how I increased my page views.

My blog traffic has actually increased since writing that post, and I’ve also been using Tailwind in that time.

So I’d definitely say Tailwind has helped my blog traffic too.


I said Tailwind helped me get results, but I can’t guarantee it’s all because of Tailwind.


Because there were a number of other factors that might have hade a good impact on my Pinterest account too.

These include:

  • Leaving all my group boards. This might have improved my Pinterest results (although it was Tailwind that made me realise these boards weren’t good in the first place. Plus I’m in some group boards now, and my profile is doing good).
  • Pinning more. Believe it or not I was only sharing around 10 pins a day, sometimes less. For one week I tried sharing around 40 pins a day, and that week my reach and blog traffic increased massively. (Although again, it was Tailwind that helped me do this).
  • Had more pins go viral. I used some of the tips I talk about in my new viral pin guide to get some viral pins. If you’ve read my post about my first viral pin, you’ll know I did not use Tailwind for this. So viral pins have helped me increase my reach, and I know you don’t NEED Tailwind to get them. But again, I know Tailwind certainly helped!

But what I can definitely say that Tailwind has helped me develop a good pinning strategy.


I want to make this Tailwind review as honest as possible.

And just like any other product, there are some downsides.

For me, these are:

  • It’s clunky. Given the fact that it’s a relatively new product, Tailwind is not as shiny and new as you’d expect. But it still does the job.
  • It’s slow. This might just be my laptop or Wifi, but I wish it ran a little faster!
  • It’s not free. I was very reluctant to spend on my blog initially. Given that I paid for a years worth of Tailwind upfront, it was a very steep investment for me.


Honestly, for me it is.

Even if I can’t say it’s responsible for all my Pinterest success, I can definitely say:

  1. It’s allowed me to be more consistent. No, you don’t have to have use scheduler- you can be on Pinterest pinning all day if you want. But this isn’t really worth my time… Plus I need to sleep! So I’d definitely rather pay for Tailwind to pin consistently for me instead.
  2. It’s helped me reach more people. I know I used other techniques that could have increased my reach. But in Tailwind Tribes you can also see how many shares you have had from other pinners in that tribe, then consequently how many repins that has resulted in.

In one of the tribes I’m in, I’ve had 252 tribe members share a pin directly from my site.

And 164 repins thanks to them sharing it.

So that’s an extra 416 pins from my blog that I wouldn’t have had without Tailwind.


We’re getting to the end of this Tailwind review.

And I just wanted to say this- I cannot say if Tailwind is worth the money for you, or that you will get the same results as me.

But I can say that for me and my blog, Tailwind is an essential part of my strategy

So for me, Tailwind is definitely worth it!

If you would like to try it out for yourself, remember you can get a free trail to schedule 100 pins here.

And don’t forget to sign up for Easy Pinterest with Emily if you want to start using Pinterest for your blog!

If this Tailwind review has helped you, please share it on Pinterest:

Otherwise, check out these other tips you might like:

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