6 of THE BEST Canva font pairings for pins

If you want more repins on Pinterest, one thing you have to do is make sure your images are designed perfectly.

I wrote this post on how to create images that get repins on Pinterest, and I briefly talked about the fonts you should be using in your title pins (images in your blog posts with your titles on to be pinned on Pinterest).

But one of the biggest mistakes people make when designing their pins is using bad fonts.

I cringe sometimes when I see a title that’s in such a small script font it basically can’t be read!

And you don’t have to be a design expert to know if people can’t read your pin, they aren’t going to engage with it.

No click throughs, no repins.

I always advise to use a bold, easy to read font for your pins so the information is clear.

However, I know that using a script font or more interesting font just adds a bit more personality to your pins.

(I actually like to use a nice script font here and there to give my pins a more feminine look).

This post is a list of some beautiful Canva font pairings (including script fonts) so you can make gorgeous pins!

The best Canva fonts for your pins


Look, pin design is so important.

Like I said, nobody will engage with your pin if it’s ugly!

But there is so much more to Pinterest if you want real success.

I have been using it for over 2 years, and I feel that after lots of trial and error, I am finally getting results.

I now get over 100 followers a week, and my reach is over 400,000 impressions!

420,000 Pinterest reach

And I’ve put all my secrets into a free course.

In Easy Pinterest with Emily, you will go from Pinterest beginner to pro pinner. 

It contains tips you won’t find anywhere else (seriously, I couldn’t find how to add the Pin it button to my blog post images anywhere!).

You can read more about it here, or just sign up below!

Otherwise, check out these fonts:


I’ve tried to pick script fonts that are easy to read but still interesting, and paired them with a simple bold font.

On the left hand side is the name of the Canva font in the actual font, so you can see what it looks like and find it easily on Canva.

On the right I have designed a pin using those fonts to show you how they would look on Pinterest.

I’ve used the same layout, text and image for the pin image so you can just focus on the fonts!

Abril Fatface and Playlist Script

This above Canva font pairing is my favourite. I use it for most of my Pinterest Graphics, and it’s the one I have used for my blog logo!

Clear Sans Regular and Grand Hotel

Dosis Semi Bold and Satisfy

Roboto and Pacifico

Lato and Gochi hand

Coustard and Lemon Tuesday

6 font pairings for Pinterest Graphics.

These are just some Canva font pairing suggestions.

You can use them in whatever combination you want! Or even just use the bold ones alone.

Even though script fonts are beautiful, legibility is really important on Pinterest.

When your title is easy to read, it gets more repins.

I hope this list has helped you find a Canva font pairing you love.

Don’t forget to sign up for Easy Pinterest with Emily now!

And please, if this post has helped you, share it on Pinterest.

The best Canva fonts for your pins

6 awesome fonts for Pinterest graphics

And if you’re looking for even more help, make sure to:

That way you’ll know you’re making the best Pinterest graphics you can!

6 of THE BEST Canva font pairings for pins

6 thoughts on “6 of THE BEST Canva font pairings for pins”

  1. Super helpful article! I spend so much time trying to pair fonts and still don’t feel like they look great together. I will try these combinations on my next pin creation. Thanks!

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